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What is OIDC?

OpenID Connect or OIDC is an identity protocol that utilizes the authorization and authentication mechanisms of OAuth 2.0.

OIDC was developed by the OpenID Foundation, which includes companies like Google and Microsoft. While OAuth 2.0 is an authorization protocol, OIDC is an identity authentication protocol and may be used to verify the identity of a user to a client service, also called Relying Party. In addition, users’ claims like, for example, name, email address, etc., may also be shared on request.

What is OAuth?

OAuth is a technological standard that allows you to authorize one app or service to sign in to another without divulging private information, such as passwords. If you’ve ever received a message such as, “Sign in with Facebook?” or “Allow this application to access your account?” you’ve seen OAuth in action.

Principles and Definitions in OpenID Connect

The OIDC provider (generally called the OpenID Provider or Identity Provider or IdP) performs user authentication, user consent, and token issuance. The client or service requesting a user’s identity is normally called the Relying Party (RP). It can be, for example, a web application, but also a JavaScript application or a mobile app.